Friday, August 22, 2008

recent reading: the queen's daughter

title: the queen's daughter
author: melissa mccormick
purpose for reading: book club book selected by theresa
copyright: 2004
pages: 113
chapters: 21
review: the queen's daughter is an autobiographical story of melissa mccormick's ghastly 12 hours spent in detroit in 1976.  out for a night on the town with her friends, melissa was kidnapped, beaten and raped by several men after her car broke down on a detroit freeway.  the experience was so bad that at one point she begged them to kill her.  luckily, they didn't and she was set free the next morning.  melissa decided years later to write about her ordeal and how life changed for her after suffering through and surviving a woman's worst nightmare.  
it was very important to melissa that she not exploit her experience, but rather use it to inform other people.  however, after reading this book, i don't really understand what she was trying to accomplish.  maybe i've grown up desensitized to all the violence and horrible things in our society, but i don't think that this book was very helpful or inspirational to anyone who has been in a similar situation.  i can't speak from experience because thankfully, i've never experienced what melissa had to.  i think it's wonderful that she overcame a lot of what she was going through directly after, as well as years after her ordeal, but there really wasn't anything in this book that said "this is how i dealt with it and this is what may help you."  
rating: 2/5

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